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Too many care leavers continue to experience poor outcomes.

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36% exit care directly into homelessness and 56% are unemployed or not engaged in education.

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Let’s finish what we started & provide care leavers the support they need for a successful transition into adulthood.

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"When I finally left care it wasn't so great. I struggled. Learning how to pay bills, rent and shopping and just being alone. We need to extend care to 21 because you wouldn't do to it to your own kids, if you had your own, you'd still have them at home and keep them safe." Learn More

Gina's story

I grew up in over eight different foster homes and many more residential care placements throughout my childhood. Before my 18th birthday, I was evicted from state care and became homeless. Learn More

Ayub's story

You go through so much in care that to be left on your own while you're still trying to get your head around that and the rest of your adult choices, it's so much to take on board that you are just going to crash and burn. Learn More

Dylan Langley, state care-leaver

Kym knows this well and has converted his dining room into an extra bedroom so he can take back a former foster child.
“He’d ended up homeless and destitute.” Learn More

Foster carer Kym Phillips

"When you turn 18, among foster kids it's called D day, pretty much you are stepping intp oblivion, it's a horrible, awful, terrifying day for most kids. That was my real scare into reality that the world is harsh and doesn't have any mercy, no matter how old you are or how much stuff you've gone through" Learn More

Reflections from a care leaver

Did you know

35% of young people sent out of care will be out in the streets within a year of leaving care

Did you know

Due to the lack of continued support once they turn 18, many young people exiting care end up in the justice system or homelessness support

Did you know

50% of those who leave care end up unemployed, in jail, homeless or had become a new parent, within 12 months

Did you know

63% of 400 homeless youth surveyed have recently been exited from care

Did you know

Last year in Australia 3000 child protection clients left the formal care system


Sign The Pledge

Every child deserves to be supported into adulthood – extending out of home care until the age of 21 and providing the right supports will give thousands of young people the additional guidance they need to have a real shot at life.


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