The Home Stretch Symposium #3 will bring together policy developers, stakeholders and implementers to explore and discuss the experience of implementing extending care to 21 years. These discussions will be informed by international and national experts in this policy area.

The Symposium program will be a mix of keynote presentations, panel and Q&A sessions. The program has been structured to engage the audience and provide an opportunity for an informed discussion.

The program will include:

  • A closer look at implementation and progress nationally
  • A focus on young people’s perspectives
  • Latest findings from the United States longitudinal study
  • Considerations for young people in residential care


Mark Courtney

Jo Dixon

Robert Porter

Kerri Cleaver & Jacynta Krakouer

Philip Mendes

Joseph McDowall

Thursday 15 June


Julian Morrow MC, The Chaser, Background Briefing
9.30Welcome to Country

Auntie Kellie Hunter
9.40Opening Remarks
The Journey of Extended Care Reform and Looking to the Future

Paul McDonald, Chair Home Stretch & CEO Anglicare Victoria
What is the Evidence & Lessons from International Evaluations of Extended Care?

Prof. Mark Courtney, Samuel Deutsch Professor, University of Chicago (US)
11.00Morning Tea
11.30What are young people saying about their experience of Extended Care so far?

Youth Advocates:
Jasmin Malham
Malakie Mcloughlin
Kathleen Martawan
Hayley Prasad
Shauna Grammatikos
12.00Extended Care Policies (Part 1)
What are the current policies around Australia, progress to date and priorities for the future? Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and Australian Capital Territory.

Department of Fairness, Families and Housing, Victoria
Department of Communities, Western Australia
Department of Child Protection, South Australia
Community Services Directorate, Australian Capital Territory
13.45Extended Care for First Nations Young People, Experience from New Zealand & Australia
What is the impact of extended care on First Nations care leavers in New Zealand? Are there any implications for Indigenous care leavers in Australia?

Kerri Cleaver, Lecturer, University of Canterbury (NZ)
Dr. Jacynta Kraouker, Monash University (Aust.)
14.30Case Working the 18-21 year old.
Panel discussion exploring the casework and support practice models for young adults.

Diana E. Matteson, Director, YAP Wraparound Advocate Model (US)
Kim Janssen, Program Manager, Uniting
Rhiannon McDonald, Team Leader, Compass
Leon Jordan, Team Leader, Village 21
Gareth Morkel, Yorganop Association Incorporated
15.15Afternoon Tea
15.45Extended Care Policies (Part 2)
What are the current policies around Australia, progress to date and priorities for the future? New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland and Tasmania.

Department of Communities and Justice, New South Wales
Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities, Northern Territory
Department for Education, Children and Young People, Tasmania
Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs, Queensland
16.45Day One Reflections
17.00Networking Drinks

Friday 16 June


Julian Morrow MC, The Chaser, Background Briefing
What are the lessons of the Staying Close Model in the UK for Young People Leaving Residential Care?

Jo Dixon, Lecturer, University of York (UK)
Dr. Robert Porter, Research Lead, Strath University (UK)
9.40Cohorts of Young People who will need additional support.
Are there cohorts of care leavers who need additional support in extended care?

Prof. Philip Mendes, Director Social Inclusion and Social Policy Research Unit, Monash University
10.00Policy Consultations with Young People: Views from Queensland.
Findings from consultations with young people leaving care in Queensland.

Dr. Joseph McDowall, Executive Director (Research), CREATE Foundation
10.20Morning Tea
10.50Care, Culture & Practice
Exploring the unique requirements and policy changes needed when extending care for indigenous young people.

Muriel Bamblett, CEO VACCA (Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency)
John Leha, CEO AbSec (NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation)
Kristina Radcliffe, Yorganop Association Incorporated
Lawford Benning, Chair MG Group
11.30Measuring Outcomes
Evaluation & Evidence: what is needed for a successful evaluation, what are the challenges and how does evaluation inform implementation?

Prof. Mark Courtney, Samuel Deutsch Professor, University of Chicago (US)
Diz McKinnon, Manager, Centre for Evaluation and Research Evidence, Department of Health, Victoria
Julian Thomas, Director, URBIS
12.45Housing Models for Young People in Extended Care
A closer look at housing pathways currently available for young people in extended care and recommendations

Presentation by Dan Jefferson, Partner, Mgmt Consulting Health, Ageing & Human Services, KPMG
Kate Colvin, CEO, Homelessness Australia
David Elridge AM, Chair, NYCA (National Youth Commission Australia
Prof. Philip Mendes, Director Social Inclusion and Social Policy Research Unit, Monash University
Shorna Moore, Head of Policy, Advocacy & Government Relations, Melbourne City Mission
13.30Reflections & Next Steps
With Special Guests: Caroline Fletcher & Dylan Langley, Youth Advocates

Paul McDonald, Chair Home Stretch & CEO Anglicare Victoria
13.45End of Symposium


Sign The Pledge

Every child deserves to be supported into adulthood – extending out of home care until the age of 21 will give thousands of young people the additional guidance they need to have a real shot at life.


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