Voices in Action – the CREATE Foundation Podcasts

Voices in Action – the CREATE Foundation Podcasts

September 2020

Earlier this year CREATE Foundation commenced a series of Podcasts giving a platform to children and young people in care to speak about their care experience.

In each episode we hear from three CREATE Young Consultants with different experiences of transitioning from care to adulthood. As they revisit their experience of ‘growing up’, they identify the challenges, support and strength they found along the way. Each of the young people recount what they did on their 18th birthday, and talk through goals and aspirations for what they would like to achieve by their 21st. 

In talking about these experiences, the young people identify support that they found helpful and what further support they think is needed to create positive outcomes for young people transitioning from care, including the importance of having a placement supported by the care system past the age of 18.

So far Podcast topics have included Transitioning from Care and Extending Care to 21.

Check out the podcasts via the Create Foundation website here or search Voices in Action in your Podcast app.


Sign The Pledge

Every child deserves to be supported into adulthood – extending out of home care until the age of 21 and providing the right supports will give thousands of young people the additional guidance they need to have a real shot at life.


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