Newsletter April 2017

Newsletter April 2017

South Australia campaign launch & Youth Homelessness Matters Day

Anglicare South Australia launched the Home Stretch campaign on April 3rd in the beautiful Carclew House in Adelaide. With Ministers, opposition leaders and media in attendance, it was a great morning! We heard from two amazing women from the Create Foundation speak about their experience and their reasons on why we need care extended post 18 years.

Catherine stirred up emotions in the room with a beautiful song she composed and asked everyone:

“Would you make your 18 year old move out of home?” 

It’s a question we need to keep asking our politicians and decision makers, until we get a fairer system so that all young people get a better chance at life. 

Check out Channel 10’s coverage of the South Australia launch… share it, like it and ask your friends to sign up and support us.

#YHMD2017 update and media coverage

It was Youth Homelessness Matters Day on 5th of April, a day to celebrate young people’s resilience and capabilities. It’s also about reflecting on what we as a society can do to support young people at risk of homelessness and provide young people the opportunities most of us take for granted.

To read on how we can reduce homelessness by this simple reform see some of the YHMD2017 publications below:

Care can’t stop at 18 if we’re going to curb homelessness
Anglicare WA

Youth Homelessness Matters
CREATE Foundation

The one reform that will halve youth homelessness
Anglicare Vic

Triple J’s Hack program had a great segment, listen to it here @ 6.55sec

We’ve created some great infographs if you’d like to download from our website under Resources. Like and share them on social media. 



Sign The Pledge

Every child deserves to be supported into adulthood – extending out of home care until the age of 21 and providing the right supports will give thousands of young people the additional guidance they need to have a real shot at life.


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