How Australia’s Foster Care System Is Forcing Teenagers Into Homelessness

How Australia’s Foster Care System Is Forcing Teenagers Into Homelessness

13 April 2018

Today marks the beginning of Victorian Youth Week – a celebration of young people across the state.

But for kids in foster care, there isn’t much to celebrate. In Victoria, we cut them off when they turn 18. Within a year, many will become homeless or unemployed.

Home Stetch’s Nevena Spirovska on why it’s more important than ever to extend the age of foster care from 18 to 21.

Read the article featured in Junkee here.



Sign The Pledge

Every child deserves to be supported into adulthood – extending out of home care until the age of 21 and providing the right supports will give thousands of young people the additional guidance they need to have a real shot at life.


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